Posted by : Freeskafoundation domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Derrick Morgan takes the Interstate to the past in a convoy that includes English performers Mafia, Fluxie, the Allstonians and Steady Ernest, rolling out 18 cuts that take in a remarkable number of ska and rocksteady favorites. These sorts of cover sets run a risk of sounding dopey or pointless, but this one has the benefit of excellent performances, respect for the originals, and an energetic vocal performance from Morgan, who sounds like he was having a ball recording these tunes. Mixed into the track list: "007," in a terrific version; "Israelites," which gets a decent updating; a nice "Simmer Down," a take on "Train to Skaville," and even a successful run at "Easy Snapping." The album comes equipped with informative sleeve notes, by the way, so you get a double shot of history in one package, making this doubly worth buying. ~ Steven McDonald Recorded at Striker Lee Studio, Kingston, Jamaica. Includes uncredited liner notes. Personnel: Derrick Morgan (background vocals); Dow Brain (guitar, keyboards, drums, background vocals); Chris Wilson (guitar); Darrell Morrow (tenor saxophone); Patrick Faucher (trumpet, background vocals); Mafia (keyboards); Fluxie (drums); Max Romeo, Brad Young (background vocals). Audio Mixers: Dave Ackerman; Chris Wilson. Recording information: Striker Lee Studio, Kingston, Jamaica. Photographer: Derrick Morgan. Personnel: Derrick Morgan (vocals); Dow Brain (guitar, keyboards, various instruments, background vocals); Chris Wilson (guitar); Ska "T" Billington (harmonica); Jeremy Woodruff (alto saxophone); Darrell Morrow (tenor saxophone); Patrick Faucher (trumpet, background vocals); Mafia (keyboards, bass); Fluxie (drums); June Powell, Max Romeo, Brad Young (background vocals).

Label    Rounder Select
Orig Year    1995
Catalog number    617670
Discs    1
Release Date    Oct 17, 1995
Studio/Live    Studio
Mono/Stereo    Stereo
Producer    Derrick Morgan
Engineer    Garth Atkins; Dow Brain; Garth Atkins; Newton Williams; Chris Wilson; Brad Young
Recording Time    64 minutes
Personnel    Chris Wilson - guitar
Mafia - keyboards, bass
Brad Young - background vocals
Darrell Morrow - tenor saxophone
Fluxie - drums
Jeremy Woodruff - alto saxophone
June Powell
Patrick Faucher - trumpet, background vocals
Ska "T" Billington - harmonica
Derrick Morgan - vocals
Dow Brain - guitar, keyboards, various instruments, background vocals

Also: Max Romeo


{ 3 comentarios ... read them below or Comment }

  1. seems to be a problem activating this link - cheers mate

  2. we dont now really but mega its having problems, i check allready and its down again ! we will inform when mega its establish again ,at free ska fan page on facebook . :D

  3. You forgot the hit single "Ho-ska-Hep"


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